“Immediate optimization of technological resources for the academic community,” a complex mission in which the Faculty of Accounting and Administration at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí pursues to favor the needs of more than 2500 users.
Searching for Sustainable Technology
in the middle of 2015, research began on sustainable, cost-effective and high functional gain technologies that could be adopted by the institution for immediate benefits. Benefits that should be reflected in energy savings, better distribution of the work of technical staff, and that would have an instant, positive impact on students, teachers, and their academic work. The result of such research, lead by Mr. Ignacio Villegas Flores of the Center for Educational Innovation and Information Technologies, favored NComputing technology. The fruit of the subsequent technological implementation benefited the work of much of the university community.
Updating technology for better education
The main problem to solve in this environment was to provide an immediate response to the need for updated systems and applications for the academic community. The University wanted to embrace technological initiatives aligned to sustainability and the maximum use of resources. In the words of Mr. Villegas, “The use of virtual computing and client server technology from NComputing has been determinant to generate a value proposition for our organization, providing users full access to have state-of-the-art technological elements, while focusing our community on the importance of embracing initiatives that support sustainability and maximum utilization of resources.“
Simple solution for complex problems
The road to adoption of NComputing virtualization technology with L300 thin clients was facilitated by the participation of Tecnologías Maosoft and their virtualization expert, Mr. Mauricio Balderas. He advised, promoted and supported the institution in each phase of the implementation of the virtualized desktop platform, ensuring that the financial, administrative and technological elements are met:
- Technology: it has been possible to substantially reduce the down times derived from maintenance and updating of the computer systems and applications, providing immediate availability, while maximizing hardware utilization, taking full advantage of the investment.
- Finance: Drastically reduced energy consumption in both computing and cooling systems, along with the reduced cost of hardware components, has allowed the university to channel the savings towards higher priority objectives for the organization.
- Administration: it has been possible to manage and distribute support staff activities, developing more proactive strategies by considerably reducing reactive actions.
The implementation of NComputing technologies in 2015 has been well received. After 2 years of serving the academic community, growth initiatives for the virtualization platform are planned to begin in the coming months.