
Compute Smartly

Tell me more about the Annual Maintenance Program (AMP) for VERDE and its benefits.

Tell me more about the Annual Maintenance Program (AMP) for VERDE and its benefits.

Phil Mason's picture
Wed, 03/21/2018 - 15:15 -- Phil Mason

In VERDE 8.2 our support and maintenance option has been rebranded as the NComputing’s Annual Maintenance Program (AMP). AMP for VERDE VDI provides access to our standard support offerings of online KB and unlimited ticket submissions, phone and chat access to VERDE support technicians, access to VERDE upgrades, a web-based end-point device management platform and all firmware upgrades for the RX300 thin client.

VERDE 8.2 requires AMP for VERDE VDI in the first year of service. Annual renewals of AMP for VERDE VDI are required to maintain the advantages of the premium support. Regardless of AMP it is possible to use our self-help and web-based ticketing system for less critical issues and information access.

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