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What are the benefits of vSpace Pro 11 over vSpace Pro 10?

What are the benefits of vSpace Pro 11 over vSpace Pro 10?

Phil Mason's picture
Thu, 03/15/2018 - 15:51 -- Phil Mason

vSpace Pro 11 introduces the UXP 2.0 protocol (NComputing's communication protocol between vSpace server and access devices), which significantly reduces network traffic for all access devices by up to 43% as compared to UXP 1.0 protocol.

Multiview, a popular feature from vSpace 8, is back in vSpace Pro 11. MultiView provides a dashboard of active session thumbnails, allowing a lead user to message other users or take control of their sessions, a popular feature for use cases such as classrooms or workgroup environments.

Dual monitor support is now native and doesn't require a separate license. Add our dual display adapter to the RX300 thin client or fire up a dual monitor configuration with vSpace Pro client for Windows.

New to vSpace Pro 11 is the optional Annual Maintenance Program (AMP), packed with enhanced features, complimentary licenses and live tech support.

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